New York Herald from New York, New York (2024)

18 'After Harvard's Inferior Showing Against Tufts Yale Is Favored as Coming Leader in Football World THE SUN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1916. RULES VIOLATED IN BIG GOLF TOURNEYS jinny l'liiyors l)lsicranl Plny-inr I'oili1 inn. Kscnpc PenultlPH. IXFKACTIOXS HirilT GAME it, 1 1 (i. There havo been nuny gross bits of negligence on tlif pnrt of golfers this rar in their relation to the rule of Hie ra'mf.

This expect, of course, from thoc who have never looked Inside a rotf rule "ok' when It happens that polftrs of prom'nenco, both nma-tstir and professional, show a complete disregard for 11,0 written ln fham-rlonihip meettnts It In time to njieak vpeniy TWO CHAMPIONS ARE BEATEN ON SPEEDWAY Clover Pnti'li nnd Onltlnnd Hoy Go Down to Dcfput Several Close Jtnccs. Many lovers of light harness sport saw two champion defeated at the third matinee of the noad Driver As-snclatlon of New York on the Harlem Fpeodwny yesterday. In addition to this there were sexerul close finishes that thrilled the crowd, The first champion to he defeated wot Olovur l'ntch, a brown mire liolongltur to A. Mutphy. Mlttlo Hedworth beat Clover Patch In the 1 :03 pace.

Oakland Hoy, tho champion trotter pf this driveway, not hlH first upset when Courier Roy, a bay gelding belonging to J. P. Kennedy, won tho 1 :04 trot. The summarloa IN CLASS -rACIrm. Lltrl March.

h. m. (J. H. Lawrence) I r.iuiiaiii, nr.

g. (J. uiinmrr). GRIDIRON REIGN OF HARVARD OVER Tufts Disillusions Crimson Elevpn, While Ynle Gains in Prestipe. LOCAL TEAMS DO WELL WITH THE SEMI-PRO AND AMATEUR BASEBALL TEAMS At Lenox Oval.

Scharfrr's All Stars, with eeTrral Yanirr In the lineup, were defeated hy the llronx Kaglrs )ratcrtlsy at lnni Oral by acote of 7 to Srhaefrr played In four positions, lie started In centre Held, then pitched, played shortstop At Olympic Field Th Lincoln Olanta and the Royal Olanta dlTltel a douhle header at Olympic Field yes-terday, the l.lncolns winning the flrat gain ln the troth Innlnir, to ami tho Itoyala taking the soconil game, a flee inning lilt, i. BROOKLYN CELTICS BLANK ST. GEORGE ii drat and In the boi. The score! and tlrat hate. Chailry Mullen played short i series ended with the Itoyala winning nine Jeii rtunusy tne n.

nm ymj Alll.ragiirra a double header. The aenrea: ROYAL OIANTS. an a (00 2 2 0 419 1 00 6 01 4 11 4 13 4 SO A I.I, STARS li a 4 11 f. 10 60 1 0 ail 7 io Keanr.ef Coeghrr.Jb, Mona.ri..., lliichlea.ef Wall.ih.... Hi rman.lf, KAULF.S.

gb li a 5 2 .1 4 0 0 4 13 1 00 3 0 0 3 20 1 31 York Stnto Football Lpnprtie Chrtniplons Score 1 to 0 Victory. tu nrnferslnnnl tournament which I tiertllS tO'lllorrOW III Ilin lr. wsruiri I ntnv. nnd 'Tolly llerry. gr.

in. (V J. ONcll) 4 tnuniry i Time 1. It, I know of ftJ I U'XEt. ItACK-TllOTTlMl AND rAClNO.

en tne run- i nrlo liareii, li. in. (K. Carpenter) 1 mulch nlav. feature of play h'ch his never been prominent In their mind Is well that thin Is slnca ne lfo! to the professional for advice-and Instruction In the methods of play-Ins nnd It Is to his preat Hdvantago If h.

'k an nuth.irlty on the rules of the me and displays his knowledge on the inV Hut to cite few example of hat' has occurred this year may be of "The flrt flacrnnt violations of tho ruin occurred In the Metropolitan amateur champlmshlp at Nassau. It will he remembered that the day was atormy i aad a bit cold, but even so there was not the (lightest reason why aome of tho golfera who Uter qualified should havo rone Into the clubhouse at the finish of the nine holes to get warmed up. Rfcoatd Xot Discontinue PUy. There Is a rule which says that competitors shall not discontinue play on account of bad weather or for any other reason whatsoever, except where the committee considers that the course Is not In a condition to play over. Tho i penalty for this delaying If dlsquallflca- Then came the Metropolitan open flumplonshlp.

where violations of rules by the professionals were so tlaRrant mv nvrn nart 1 was kept busy explalnlnff what I had meant In wrltlnff that the professionals knew the rules and always followed them. In the last round to golfers with a chance for tho title had to be spoken to In the course of the play for their evident lack of knowledge aa regards playing procedure. There It a rule mcn as mai in siru: and It Is true In all competition, th tin to the holo must not be touched by the putter except In the case where worm casu, ace, i Then there, was a breach of rules uhleh not only was llaRrant In this championship but also has been mentioned by players who have a regard for ihe rules In connection with the Iji'ev cun matches and the champion i hlp at Merlon. The rule which Is violated perhaps tho most Is that which reida In brief that the player ihall not mor, bend or break anything flxed or gronlrg except so far as It Is necessary to enable him to get a stance. The penalty for a breach of this rule la two strokes In stroKo competition and the loss of tho hole In match play.

It Dcrmltled only to take a practice artnit a club's length from the ball. At Garden City there were many golfers who teak i practice swing within a foot or of the ball and never once was tbere a penalty Imposed by the referee. Cinders Too Carries. Oolters have become so careless that they grunt the rensonoblencis of the rule, tut think that two feet or a fool anisera tha purpose Just us well, and therefore do not take the extra pains Involved In stepping a few Inches further orT. Hut golf carelessness which makes for bad hnblts and slop-llnees should be brought up with a sharp twist when big championships are on, and It Is to be hoped that the big matches this week will be Judged with uracy and decision by tho referees ln charge.

There were on the rulis at amateur championship. First and fore moat was thn long wait Which came to one of the players In the first round. His match was Hchcduled to start at a 1 certain time and the player's opponent Old not enow up until almost an nour aftrr the starting time. But the committee did not forfeit tho match after Oakland Hoy, rh. h.

(P. Time IM t'l-AHS-TROTTINO. Marion Tmldlntton, eh. m. (J.

V. O'Shea) 1 I NIMlnrale, Mk. ni. K. n.

Mnller) 1 t.l (. 4 ii.iiiv, u. Ifl. 1. flOTPnui lime- 1:01.

1:03 CLASS-PACINO. Jllttle Iledworth, eh. m. (Jco 1 1 Cliivrr Patch, It in. (J.

A. Murphy) 2 1 Tn lieat limp i.f 1 faalfr Me Kern.n, t.r g. (W. J. O'Nfll) loat.

lillVi. 1 SlO CLAFS-TIIOTTINO. Ron Todd. br. m.

(Dr. I'. Martin) I 1 1 Itlndrntiurr. br. IE It.

Mullet) 1 1 1 Catherine IV. b. m. I 1 I 1:11. Ci.ASS-TROTTINO.

rnnrtrr liny, b. I. (J. r. I 1 Oakland ltr, b.

g. (Jeaae Smith) 1 I Time i i 1:03 CLAS-TROTTlNO. Plngee. b. g.

tC. 3, rendt) 1 1 r. m. (J. J.

I 1 Ucal Onr. b. a. It. W.

Itackns) 2 3 Utter br. g. (1. riaherty) 4 4 rime i Trobably tho biggest football upset ln years shattered the dreams of larger uimereity iig gridiron supremacy when Tufts, a little, patient, plugging barfer'a All iiisiiiuiion, sent eleven stalwart warriors uront Kaiin. 1IKO.N.X LINCOLN OIANTS.

ibrhoifi, 4 0 1 0 0 Monaln.Sb. 401 1 10 wney.c 2l 1 10 lun ir a a 1 i io 400 0 IP JMale.e.... 4 0 1 4 4 0 Thomsa.rf, 6 0 2 1 20 121 0 2 Oilee g.lll.p.rf 4 00 0 4 0 I 401 3 201 1 00 IO0 I 1 1 ivitu. n. inn on ,4123 00 Uoylc.rf.p..

413 1 20 311 3 41 MnoTuii Total. niuS I Ji 1 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 0-0 Totals. .34 41230 17 2 0 10 5 0 3 0 1-7 114 a 3h 423 4 0 1 0 3 0 1 1 0 9 I I li.ll.lf..

Sanlop.e.... Puih.rf Dunbar. llateo'iMb. MIllrr.SD.. 500 0 00 4 11 2 00 401 A 40 40 US 00, OTHER In tho second round of tho annual scries of the New York Htntc Football the cli.impum Rod and Gun News llltlll WATKtt FOIt LOCAL ANUI.KItS PHOM 0(JT.

0 TO OCT. 15. Sandy Hook (Thn HnrMvihiie) Vt. Oct. Oct.

Oct. Oct. I.I.. Oct. Oct.

Iff A.M. IV44 IK) 11 21 II .117 r.2 7:40 .1 ti I'rlncma I lay A.M. a 41) 7 22 H.O.-. H'l!) 0:2 12 7'4 a. no 0 no Jamaica Hay (Canarslo) A.M.

P.M. 2ti 7 IS 7:.17 112 2.1 f. 4ft ID II 27 Oovemoa 10 ON 111 SI 7 lo man 11:11 it 21 A.M. 0. Ill 7 01 :i.i ii in o.r,a 'to lout WllletS 1'iilnt P.M.

A M. P.M. pan inn-. 7 2S ln.a.i in N.I2 11 oh i AS II 111 11.44 12 21 12 2H 1 .01 New Ixindon A.M. 7 fill 8.301 n.2U II) -03 10:11 1041) IO.AH 11:30) II 11.10 lion, jonn vtoir ana r-tm.

I was very much surprised at a recant infetlng of the United Angiera League whi-n that nnd nil nrmind flahor-man, the lion. John Wolf, aroae and asked In stentorian lonei; i uu. I'nn anyimny snow wnere eii are on- 400 0 4 0' Urooklvn ('cities defeated tho St. f.t; rr 7 Oeorge's eleven by the score of 1 goal Now, the Idei of th Hon. John Wolf, Toiaia nri.m nvnl vc.lerdnv.

Thn." tow with the (laher stick or ths man with the tobacco In hta mouth and funny faesT That night I could not sleep a I went hack nnd the nut day 1 saw the a.imt. llhcr fellow ng.iln and a llfo rver man as watching htm this time and ths Ufa server told lot more about this fisher fellow, lie sa)s. "This mm Is In business limn a') nrtrrnnons, nhen ho catches lloal hark. LEADING GOLFERS AT SIWANOY TO-DAY One out when winning run waa scored. nancm uvai to Combrldga Saturday and decisively! Flrat base on ermr-Srhaefrr'a All Stare.

1. Itojal Olanta 1 I 0 0 1 0 f-3 i'j ii. I.incn (ll. nia 000100200 14 klyn Celtics. Position.

iiuu Buuiiiirniuii pf Tint 7 to 3. And the worst of it Is as far ns hlt-llammcy. Sacrifice hlta- Herman, rirat baa on errora-Iloyal OlanU, 3. Home Kr r. Il.ev.rri 'i.

Sarrince Sto en nmJn, Wllllama. Sacrldce fly-Handy. Stolen 1.. Jiammey Bchnriarr, Jloha. Srharrer.

Jimirn. t.ssea-Wilej, Prttua, Wrhaler, Pneh, nate. every laurel carried from the huge Utt on bases -Srlurfrr's All stars, lirnna t-s. nn nianta. Lincoln Mtudlum.

Ksglcs, 4. Double ploy. Cocsher and Ixire. nimis. 10.

Dnublo rlaya-Hewltt. Handy and onrna There Is no denvlnar that Harvard was cn balla-Olt lire, 2i nir Hchaofsr, 1 1: off lutesowt, 2. Pairs on balla-Off Joe Wllilams, A O'ltalloran. caught off balance I and a. hit -i rlnhean Williams.

3. Struck out-By ptrt.on caugnt on naianco and a bit unprepared by Mullen, Dcecan. 2. Hits -Off Williams. 2i by Strlntt'an Williams, 3.

(l'ltsllorsn. lor sucli advanced football as was shown lloyle. none in I Innlns: off Hrrran. 10 In Slim nitrh.r airinrtan Wllllama. 2 by Tufts, but tha fact stands out that Innlnaai off Lore.

3 In 3 Innlnesj eft Schaefer, (Wllry. Pnrbei). Umpire Mr. Oldla. Time of MiKrnna game.

hnura ann 10 minuisa. nrrcre. At Olympic Field. Second game n. H.

K. Olanta 0 0 0 1 1 0 Lincoln (Hint 0 0 1 0 0-1 4 0 llatterles-lfarrey and Oatewood, Banks; Wllllama and lierr. Called oa account of darkness. Harvard's reign has about ended. For 4 lii 2 Innings; off Mullen, 4 In 2 Innlnas, off iMirmr-, in 1 inning.

i-minn-n ears the Crimson has overwhelmed all ira, tai of hour and minmea. At Lenox Oval opposition, bowing only to Cornell last year. The success of the Percy Haugh-ton regime has placed Harvard In a position to dictate trrldlron terms to Hi historic rivals. However It seems that power Is ended. Harvard, shorn of Its 1 Mahan, Oilman, Hrlckley, Hard wick.

1 Snucy and Wallace, does not nppenr In I such a formidable light to Vulo I'rlnceton supporters. Flrat same It. It. E. lmm V.

01441104) 011 11 3 AnherA. C. 40001100 0- 7 9 4 Uattcrlea Marcus and Green; Prow a ana Iteedy. At nldarrrood fJronnde. Yale (ialna In StrrnKtb.

At Arrtle Park. In one of the moat exdttng games seen at Arrilc Park Ihla aeaaon. the Kmplro Clly nine defeated the I). S. O.

team, to 3. Km. nnd r. man an I Martin pitched splendid hall, Enr. ristsmsn sns aitnin sirucK III.

I. I tttm I i b. i.ixinr ins nrsi g.iftie. 10 1. ana 111 sxrvi night ltt rteht.

1 Insldr (Vntrr left Ont.Hr Wllltsms. I.lrirsmrn Mrssrs, Little and Mnlrnrtii final O'ltalloran, llrouk lyn Celtics. Time Halrrs of (J mlnutra. one' of the greatest 0 our fishermen: JAl'S' ins surli nus.iinnl l.l.i.n an.l I'll 1 ela good for one hourand then he rlng I tell miii whv I was and rsatlv 1 rp still for six hours for atrlpml gt. 1 W7hld just to the lion1! dancing atep.

"ensu jonn Wo and had remarked to a new member that ths Hon. John Wolf waa tho IT best Informed naherman In Ihe room. I SiT. U1 "Inlrnduce ma 10 htm." ssl.l friend. "when yon hae a chance, na I lah to ask ti I tra whrro I can go to catch a mess of Kennedy And then to hava tha Hon.

John Wolf 1 1. 1.1 ers ntnning ths srennd. a fire Inning frnr. tn 3, Neat Sunday the Karmrrs and the With Harvard slowly but surely com-. uihlrlis xill play a double healer, and Ing back to tho rating of a good but not(lh, The scores: overwhelming team.

Tale Is exhibiting a speed and atrength that Is forcing followers back on their haunches with astonishment Alt happenings point to a Tale year In football, tho first for many seasons. Just when Harvard appears wofully weak In attack, Yale comes out with a smashing machine, the like of which has not carried the Blue In a longtime. Princeton, too. Is developing running power that promises to sweep the weaker defence of Harvard up and down the field. Something Is radically wrong at Harvard and there must be an Immediate diagnosis and rectification If the Crimson Is to appear favorably this season.

Against Tufts Harvard waa not only unable to advance the ball but It was Mltt Th first gams with St Oabrtel'a resulted In an 11 lo 0 score In Ihe Emplrs'a favor. The scores: c. 1 cm pike crnr a. a JERSEY CITY.

I ab a narter.Tb.. 411 Swanaon.aa 3 10, 411 I.nhr.lf 410 nrurry.rf. Intnr.s 200 4 00 4 2 0 srnyh.p.,,. 4 0 0 0 3 1 1 linrown.Cb... 2 21lKan.ef 3 0 0. 1 1 TacuerSb 4 0 1 2 0 0.F 3 0 1 7 1 1 A o. I abrhoae abrhoae .1 to. am. nn BUSIIWICK, 111 7 an'ruhnnks ih' asi a 01 iieuer n.ii., ana 00 naiser.D.. ii 1 ab a 1 32 1 3 I 2 2 2 3 1 2 403 40 1 411 300 411 A IWUrf II.

11. a 1' at 4 a 200 0 2 0 411 3 00 4113 1 40 1 10 4111 1 311 00 nwyer.ef... 4 10 0 0 0 lloffman.Sb.

211 0 2 1 Palro.e... 4 0111 4 0 301 0 10 nitrel.e.. Eniman.p. 3 1 1 11 10 30 0 0 3 3 Total 33 3 7 24 Total a 30 6 27 1 4 (J 0 a 0 0 9 0 a tism! 8 I Emptre Clly A. A 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 oval.

Ilrn 10 1 4 I rum l'inp gij. rri '7T V. a biniMin 1 i-n -w 1 rirrrii 1 in- 2 a 1 4.11. t.1.M Itt. I as a as lis.

Af lnn 1 A iirr- niw t-nii-rr, nn 1 11 mi 1 pj uai 1 i-i s'ii 1. rirsj oas. rn errora-jrrsey tiiy. lut.n- gi.n baarr-nenrrlrln. Wnlther.

(leorge In the Irad. but Thompson, by rw base nils Timer, hran. Iisr- Walkrr. It.nl1.rmin. tl on hssrs-t) shootlnr rnal In rnrh half, turnert Iho lamea in raor or nis able.

114 414 Jrs.jr City 0 0 0 0 0 Utishwlrk .1 0 3 11 NEWARK, N. October S. Hy drawing their third game In th" N.itlonnl Football Ieaguo series against the Ironsides of this city at Hide Oval, this afternoon, 3 to 3. the players of the New York Football Clifh succeeded In retaining the lead, but we're Joined In first place by tho Hcnttlsh Americans, who defeated tho Dublin F. C.

at Pater-son. A surprise was furnished the followers of the I. Tt. T. Strollers, when the New-York railroad men took the State lyngim game from the Yonkers Football Club by a score of 3 goals to 1 at Tlbbctt's Field ln Yonkers yesterday.

Playing against tha Tonkara St. O'orrr eleven at Van Cortlandt Park yestsrday. the Overseas Wanderera scored a league victory by 2 goals to 1. The winners' Folnta were scorril bv MrCrlckard and roat. Joyce tallied for the losers.

get tin and ask: 11.11 'r snnouy Know wners aria are iiaii Why. I felt as If I had been hit with one of Mcrilrnn'a famous bricks. Did my frlnd say anything? Ot couraa he dtd. Why, he Just poked ma In tha ribs aa he elaculated: "Your friend may be a well Informed fisherman but he seems tn be shy on eels." llorrr. the Hon.

John Wolf la all rlaht, all right. He has evidently neglected hours ho Is tn his biislnrss again nnd worka hard ell day nn his frtt nnd tails every body what a good sport he Is for still for six houra nnd only four hours! slerp." Thrn I said, "Ye, hut thta fisher fallow Is the only on that dors this?" Tha Ufa server he says, "No. there are others, but they don't travel so far." day I grt ins a flshr stick and I fish for two yrnrs tor strip-, 1 basket nnd thrn I go far away on a long trip and If they let do Ii yet. I will nrlie you it fisher artlcl how I catch strlprd basket lth my fisher's stick, two In sixteen yearn, end any a flshrr fellow hy tha ocean la proud to wenr a gold button which all the largo srrver cluM eels and wishes to grt back his formrr give for waiting and walling and waiting)' nnowirugr 01 meir naDllal. 1 non niame n.

nun ror rninir to rri nsninc, beaus" 1 Tnn I go around with my chest out and I am Infnrnird thn! he nnd his friend "the I'rofrssor" have raucht shales when they went for era bass. hae landrd sr.i robins when ihv trtril for blaekflsh and hauled up hsckleheade when they angled for wrakrlsh. Ther Is another reason why tha Hon. John Wolf wtahea to land a mesa at eela. He Is a close personal friend of the lion.

Wlllltm Itedfleld. Secretary of the De-partmrnt of Commerce, and tha Hon. John Wolf baa promised tha Hon. William Itntnrld mraa of eels. JULIUS.

New York. October 3. An I'p-State Albino Woodchurk. Your readers who are Interested In albino animals will And tha following clipping 1 worth a record: Krnest amt1, Hying en a farm ha. Kmlthvllle and Hsnderson, brought nlavsd sorer mstrh at Tsfl's Ilrooklyn.

brtnrrn thr Vl.tntlon nn't I Wntrrtown rare curiosity In tha shape Professionals and Amateurs to rrovirlo Practice for Title Touracy. filwanoy Country Club presents to. day America's leading professional golf exponents, who are gathered here to play for the Hodman Wanumaker wick, 1 is cas. mis Timer, hran. liar.

Walkrr. 2: Krullrrman. LT trt Hyi IT.lliV! C. Fimlre City. 1.

liases on bills W.n n. JV. T. 7.. Mattln.

off Enrman. 1 Struck o'lt Wild pltch-Knzman. eran. Time of not until Tufts threatened the goal lino I (iirar.1. 3 struck out lly Sniuh.

(: byi At Arcie rark-Second game- II that the Crimson forwards were nblo ll't i 1 1 1 (Hnh- sj Oabriel 0 0 0 9 1 4 to put up any kind of defence. Hnr- me "mfl AJ 2 Harler. Ift on ba.sjrr.rr City, 1: Hush-1 wtM Si', Plar-lrvlnr Hirter and 1 haii-Bilyo Umplr Siallii gj on bails-OH Smith. off hour and mlnu var.t's field coal came throuerh an un- At Kidsrmnd fortunate fumhlo by a Tufts back and Jcrsfr uir III ah uel 1i allowed Harvard a tally unearned, xnero lid not seem a man on ths Harvard team who could solve the shift attacks of Tufts. There waa no conception of advanced football.

Whether or not tho coaches nre to blame for this lack of thinking ability ln yet to bo answered. Second rame It B. 0 1 A a a 1 llltshwlrk 0 0 0 3 I 4 3 liaiirrtrs-cilnton and Ilclnlch; Wllllama and llohman. llattrliee- Mlllirn. Walsh nH Ilsfrh' llnri anl Stclnmann.

At liegnon Field. Harvard Larks Mntrlt. I was a iTnrnt runir.t fur the hospitals of Not until Tufts had scored In the final (Jimii. honuieh. tronhv.

emblemntlo nf the l'rnfrsslonnl louartcr and tha game was lost did Har- "'e ian rnjojM ine bsni concrrt )fore and Oolfers' Association championship. vard show any spirit. Tlwn the nrrt nf ,1 In In.l niMnp. nf Strlns hlirlca SS-rre driven hnrd. bUt nO I ik.1.

At Kntghta Oval (A. R. H. K. Clly 01020010 03 7 Knight Cubs.

0 0 1 0 3 3 0 14 7 4 llaiterlea Deda and Stillwaggon; Duffy and Pummlnn. At tCnlvht. n.l tr ir nir nrgnon urays aerratM tnr QnermNiro orrrnpolnt 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 1 7 10 4 Stars jrsnrday the Isrgrst crowd that Knights 0833101 111 11 4 hss eter sttrndrd a baseball gsme In Qiimn liattrrlrs Prrsslrr. Puteeh and Hen- county Al'itt 10.0V) Iammr. tl.e stands nett MrOarry and I'helan.

and isfupli'd a wrtln ut the hild. Thr gsnr Al Jrrsry City. N. J. n.

II. Ti the ancient svort have qualified for match play to start to-morrow, and most of these will tune up their clubs In four ball and foursome contests to-day. To give the visitors a chance to become acquainted with the course and also provide amusem*nt for those al ready In New i ork, the club has ar gains of any moment were noted. Tufts i ndaar Collins, Ton Clark. Cue Fandberg and "toughed through the Harvard tacklcrs Charlie Maurer were tn the stars' lineup and for 210 yards, aa compared to 7D yards T'1'; i .1..

n.t... i The State held the lead up to the scyrnth In-gained by the Crimson. Th-a In Itself nl th, b.ttine rally that rnded In victory. Neat Sondsy the Drgimn Drays will meet the Kprllirrli ids In th' llrst game uf their series for Ihr chsmplonshlp of Qurrns, The teams will mret In thrr. games.

The DEUNON OKAYS. I QfEENSB'O 5TAR5, IToliinslf i Maurer.rf exnlalns why Tufts was victor. While Harvard was being bruised and disillusioned Yala was having a merry time of It convincing Virginia that tho ranged amateur-professional contests for 1916 eleven of Yale Is not a bit like. in that of 1915. Led by the inimitable morning four bull matches will be I Harry Legore, who promises to be the.Mnr.ilf mi 1 on i 1 .1, Inn in nlaver of the cridlron this sea- son 1 it ..,,,1 encil con- i eon, laic rircicn ii.i.,us,.

5 oociirliib irises have the lino and romped to victory much tflrt i ft Most of II pieasea. jnere was miguiy rowrr clinch ss. Ill 2 shown Dv Yale on Doui onenco nun ue- en -r. 11: ooir rr.n. IJarkllteh.c.

31 1 2 0'Ciirln ni. irilkO AA A Alr.l.,l1n PrlnrAlnn flirt nn troillile lleieallltfT North Carolina, 29 to 0. There were no unusual happenings nt the Tiger foursomes, with the scores of test to count. Suitable been offered for the winners. the leading Metropolitan amateurs have selected pnrlnors and are ready to start around the course.

Match play to-morrow between tho rrofeslonaIs will be an Innovation In tournament play for these nxperts. Tho game. open champion Ii provided through medal play, but the stipulation for thlH trophy Is that match play shall decide. Just how tho leading professionals will get along fighting one against the other has aroused tho most Interest In the matches. ab a et abrhoae (11 1 00 4 0 2 3 0 0 400 1 20 20 1 00 100 a 00 ion 3 no 4 0 0 1 10 11" 10 3 0 0 0 411 0 2 0 Cham.

Arrows 00200000 0 3 Kirt.rrt 30000010 3 10 1 Ilattrrles Wllllama and McCarthy; Ln Pard end L'llmnn. At Wrst New Terk K. II. rinlnfletd 1013010 7 10 3 West Nrw 0 3 0 0 01 7 1 Batteries Currla and Sprsr; Ungtur and Volt. At niackwrll's laland.

N. T. R. II. E.

Olants 10330040 II 2 Y. Penitentiary 00010018 0 7 10 4 Tljttsrlrs Lew Is Jose and Kalaer; Hen- nett, Moran. Chaplin and Mooney, A Hi a ford R. H. E.

c. Col. 0 0 0 0 1 1 03 3 1 Mtemford 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 13 4 1 lUtterles Ttrown and Culver; Tuckey and Khnde. At Hickensaek. Ort.

7 n. II. E. ('ni. olants nooooooooe a 0 1 Orltanl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 llntterlea Tate and Culrr; Klmbol and W.

l-rr At Kllrabrth. JC, J. Tt. II, TI. Dlnt.liry 10030210 07 10 0 Khsahrth 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 03 1 llat'erles Ttlchards and Heyer; Drown Whll the Amerlcnns defeated the Dunlins by 2 tn 0 at I'tteram.

ths Wrst Htidsons and the Jer.ev A i plsird a He game at Clarke's Field In Nrw ark. The score waa 22. The Oreenvlllr footbiM r'ub. whlrh was so successful in Hie Mrtropolltan League las: season, mad" nn atisrhious debut In Ihe New York ritnte t.rarne's chnmplniinii hy administering defeat the Manchester t'nltv eleien by the sroro of 2 goals to 0 at Ilayslde Pnrk. Jersey City, jeeterdav The iirmrs tailed once In each period MrLnughltn scoring ihe first goal and Adams tho second.

A tie gsme at two roils apiece was the 1 outcome of the encounter ti the I-nirue boiween the White llos nnt teams at Astorti irsterduy At hn'f 1 lime the White ftose players had the a vaniiie ny 10 1, j.itugnttn nni uncrr hniing shot their two cohIs. while nt mundsnn scored for the rnitinnys. In the second period McCIouJ equalised for the riubways. Turning up with onlv seen of thitr reg- ulsrs. the Cnm.lin hn.t tn fnrfell their Slate League rame at Mnrnjueite Ovnt In much the same lines of fringes on the sides, llrookln to the Clin MaeDonalds.

'hut with a defined head and a flat body. nf a white woodchui k. He dug Ihe anl il out nf his hole recently, digging ln about twelve fee. The animal Is almost a perfect albino, being entirely white with the eacsptlon of a small fawn colored spot on hla noae and a dark streak In his tall. His eyes tup pink, like those of a llelglan hare.

Mr. (Jamble took the chuck to tho Darnea show in hope of selling it JOHN D. WHISH, Albany. October What Are "Hed-Wormef" On September 24 I waa out after weak. near Junes Inl-t, Long Island.

We had Just commenced fishing with shrimp when my attention was to the pre. ence of large numbers of small reddish worms near the surface, either floating or darting with tho tide. our cayman caura mem ren.worms,--stntlng that tho weakfl.h fed upon them and that when these "rrd-wprms" wer" present shrimps or othtr bait wna seldom taken hy weiktlsh Our rjper'rn rathrr proved his assertion, for thouk-h the tide was Just what Me wanted an 1 the location one where on'y a djys before we hud taken some larie "tide runners." we did not get a blto In tw-n or thrre hours fishing. 1 succeeded In cat' hlng a good atied specimen In my hind as It pissed tha boat and round I' resembled In Its general char acteristics ths "and worm." having very feel like a sport nnd alt the metnhera of tha server fisher club thry say, "Haa ha all his buttons?" Of course they tnran big atrlped basket flahar gold button, so sure my name Is uniNin niN.iKoi'r". Midland Reach, Slnten Island, Oct.

3. Arsenic Kills Sharks and Hns. The appenrance of man eeiing rks at, Iteach Haven Spring Lake. M.tawan Creek and other points along the New Jert sey coast recalls an Incident that iieppentd In thla harbor some thirty years ago. A French bark was anchored tn the Pa' cagoula Hay near Horn islanl loading wlta.

lumber, and a large number of aharka war dally asm swimming around It. It occurred to the master that nsrhana hs could rid hla neighborhood of some of these monsters. Po cnrfeuily loading aev. 1 ernl largo plecra of raw beef with arssnlc, threw them over to the sharks, which Immediately seized them and swallows! them whole. i The nest day tho bodies of several large sharka drifted upon the beach of the neighboring Island The lighthouse keeper had Urge number of hoga that frequented tho heucti In eenrch of shellfish and Jellyfish and, atlarklng tha bodlrs ot tha sharks, thev gorged themselves with their flesh.

Tho nrxt day the swino also were found deod. and their showed every 1 evidence of ha1ng died of arsenic poison. I Tho writer himself made nn esaminai Hon of them nnd measured ths bodies of the sharks, They wero of the bammsr' head variety and eight and ten feat In' length and had months that could easily ft'-cotnmodnte the teg large man up to hl thigh. Li. CHI USE Y.

l'ns' ngouts. OH. 7, 3 More than fifty lendlnc women golf plnyers will tee off this morning In the qualifying round of the annual open V. eVCIIt, IltIO It la pronnilie linn many ui the women who contested In the nntlonal chomplotishrp at Boston will take port. Two of the best women golfers In the West will compete In tho eighteen hole medal handicap tournament which will be held at the Northwooa country t-iuo Coach Hush allowed his men use only straight roottiau piays aim these suIHced.

The tfouthernors held Totals 0' Totals Hrrnon Orsrs rt 0 0 0 1 Slsrs. ..0 0 3 0 0 Ift on hsscs Prtnon Orsss, 5r Oneenshero Hlsrs. 7. Two lisse hlt-Collllis garrlfiis. hits and Carroll 13 4 1 0 0 CO r-3 Are "red.

worms" vounz or Imma ture eandworms. or are they somethlnr different? HOItT. D. LAWHKNCE. (0 Itroadway, October Alma of I'nllrd Anglers I-eagnr.

Th United Anglers League was formed thirteen yr.trs aro and has been working rver sin. for the promotion, protection anl Improvement or tne sport Clan Scott took Ste League rame at niembers sre progressive, Hs alms Farroll's Field by defiult In rnn-e'iuen' 1 Rr, tn(. tn'rrests 0 i Anglers, Its Inten-of the failure of the llnh-nilans tu appnr. tn pri mote and uphold laws beneficial trie traierniiy, to umnn A lack of sufficient piiyera was re. pen slble also for the default nf the Our Ilo team to the I.nnafellawa In Ihe State League at Oreenpoint.

ln the eihltilttnn game which was arranged the Ixinirfellnws won by 3 to 1, Mr)ers shot two goals and Lomas one for the wlnni-rs, wiilii; Doug-Ins tallied for ths losers, Itnre Shrimp In Loral Waters. Tor the Information of Paul Orofch would rail attention to the fact that Char ley I.lmlnr of Newark, N. caught a mantis shrimp In Knrltun nay In September. 11113. ml rig's shrimp welghrd half pound and was twelve Inches long.

He has It nicely presmed In a bottle of nl conoi. The shrimp was caught en hook and, line, while fishing for weakfleh with shed-der crab bait. It was put away In a cardboard boi wlta some wet telgrnss and when taken out of-the tint nt bis store several houra latsr wna almost as lively as when It cams out of the water. This urety Is sometimes known aa th praying shrimp, on account of the way It folds up lis "knees." Ths shrimp tn question struck out vlclnualy with these so. called knees and' pierced several thlcknrsses of r.ewspaper-wtth the sharp points, Oenrgr Sllhon of Newark a week or so later cnught onal snmenhnt emitter while fllhlnr tn tha same waters.

CULMOH. Hi street, Nennrk, Oct. 3. wel for the first few moments of attack, -Met). VwtXrr.

stidrn Don). die eoon broke them down. 1 Plsr-( olsln, Wrllrr snd (isrk, on hslls but the batterin eoon urokf. intra (1ff Anker. 3: erf Jtrgulllan.

2. strnrk oat-and then It waa only a question of how nr nu largo the score was to be. Ilush did not 1 Ankrr. 2 (Clsrk. Ssndlrc).

rmplrrs iillow his first string men to overexert Mesr Cocnvlly and Waltrrs. Time of gsme themselves sending In a flock of IM E. tutea In tho second hair. 1 ironsldrs osooooooob-i 0 No great chance of comparison of the Hegnnn (iraya. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0-3 7 1 departmental elevens, tne Army aim luttrrlrs Haas, Kurfusi snd Purdetto a tiftren minutes wait but permitted the flt 0en ireart, next Wednesday.

uiAn.i in nu on, iiiua luBiuK They are) Mrs. p. C. Lena or 1 1 1 -I urnetrla rtt ffi. which would have done worlds of good in ho.

vlni; the deslro to run tho according to the usual golfing law. The score cards which are used at the time of the national amateur champion-ship in the qualifying round should hava trlnted on the back a statement to the effect that all competitors would be defaulted unless they appeared at tha first lee within fifteen minutes of tha stated time the committee choao to rule differently in light of very sood reasons, uch the holding up ot traffic or car breakdown, Should Knforce nolo. It Is true that the fifteen minute limit the Western champion, and Miss Elaine Ilosenthal of Chicago. Opposing them will be many of the best women golfers In the Metropolitan district. Invitations have been sent to nlno clubs.

IN THE SQUARED CIHCLE. A profualon of hlsii class bouts are on a ms, ssra aa rf thlsl AKa xJ Ills) Is that between Jack Dillon and Kallor "if.l Ul rt appearance, in' thla city since he beat Krank Moran ao decisively at Washington Park ui he renor.l draira to aea 1 v-titer. As lirande has been box 's put. n'Von form for some months past he 1 wie cinuiars rent out, dui 11 is seiaom "nUj mik, it interesting for the Hootder, jiitijcrs uq it svuiu ocvii many a time In the course of a round If it were primed on the score card. Then I would suggest that there be In red Ink the fallowing: "This rule will be enforced." Jt would only take one or tivo defaults to bring every one to the on time.

More often than not I fanev the golfers who read about tho rules und their enforcement eoon forget and go hack to their own fallings In thla re-peet. Only when we bring the violations In prominent tournaments to light will we havo moro strenuous attempts on the part nf the rank nnd tile to play the gamu fairly, in the tournament play this jear In addition to the examples havo been named above I have f'n a golfer dron a ball after he had lost his drive at the spot where he sup- tun ball had gone another at Merlon lifted his ball und carefully Mped off a larga plecu of mud which ad-nmd to it still unother patted the turf on the putting green nil the way to the hole; many took prnctlce swings within inches ur so of the hall on the fairway, while tho most flagrant exhibition fame in the national umateur, whor* a Player on one occasion said he had taken a 4 fT the hole when he had actually taken a stroke, more. The er.ormlty of the offonco wna In-crrasrd by the fact- tint he raid. "That two tr. wasn't It?" when as a matter course the opponent was 6.

Hut this quite the real object of the Paragraphs which are msant to show mo need of proper refereelng In In-'tancai where the gallery demands that vtrythlng shall bo fair and squara for VM' relations which players hava to each other and their ftf'poiulbllitlea to the cherished laws) Kolf Nn mm, a true golfer, no "utter wit 1 Kcellcnco of I1I11 game, Ii can'Usa aloul the rules. Navy, was given. Both won but not dc. clslvely enough to prove power. Tho a nnwerfiil hackfletrl tn Oll- nd Vldnl.

hut there Is no I nd deriding game nf the series from the Vorkvlll aKIh I American yesierjay maniinf Totteni Ilia A. C. Schwartie, Anker, Jarklltsh and Woods. The I'nion Course Alhietlci won the final 1 4U "O-MlillT OLYMPIC ri.I'll. Ji 1,1 r'' MiinilriKilda l0.

llraly stele O'Urlea. Adro. lc. 1. nf venerat Interest will be n.

of cis-htlnr Hilly Mlske and 1 1 nt the Clermont A'. C. "i'" neic -nursany. bout interesting sim bouta In this city that ha Is a flrat clasa man. Tlie Ertle-Lynch contest at the Pioneer to.

morrow night ahould prove to be scld test for the clever West Slder, and If he comes through successful It will serve to still further raise him In the estimate of Wrst Aiders. Jim llcaly. who after scoring nine knock-outs In a row waa stopped by Jack Clifford, will try to reinstate himself to-night nt the Olympic A. when he faces Steve O'llrisn. a Jersey heavyweight.

Healy la a big favorite In Harlem and It will not bo surprising to are a packed houee. The Clermone will to-night stage a goud bout, in which the actors will be Preston llrown mid Young lloctor. STAEHLE CYCLE WINNER. The final championship racss nf tho In-lerclub Amateur Cycle Itoad Itaclng League hrM yesterday over the l'eiham Park way In The Hronx, with about (.000 cyclists 1 I Th. r.iira.

wui In fin condition. Ten clubs of ths league were represented In the races. The summary! 1IALK MILE INDIVIDUAL CHAMPION- nun Final Heat Won hy J. C. Htaehle, nay View Wheelmen: Kugen Alckeiln.

New KnaUnil Wheelmen, second; Kred Wolsln, Acme Wlieelmen, third; W. Lock, Can-luiv Itcied Club ot America. New York division, fourth. Ths final standing In tha arrlaa It as fol- rolnta. 1 C.

Htaehle. Bay View II 2 J. Marquart, ('. It. C.

Asm 11 3 K. Alckeiln. New England. 4 4 Pred Wolsln. Acme Wheelmen 2 J.

Lock, C. II. C. of Am. N.

1 TEN MILE TEAM Time. Century Road Club 4-5 2 Hay View Wheelmen 3-5 I Nrw England Wheelmen 1.5 4 Acme Wheelmen 17:11 3-1 Hudson Cnunly Whoslmen. .7 1.5 ltd. Club of N. V.

34144 7 Century Rd. Club of N. J. Still Intsrclub Champion for lll J. 43.

btaebls, Day View Wattlmea. 1 will h. nhln I assurance inai inre. nwn sdire to uphold the Army supremacy in tho union big game or tne institutions mier the year. Most of tho Navy stars are new men coming to 1110 irum imo Hoberts and Ingram stand out.

Columbia Faaablea Came. New Tork'a collegiate Institutions supplied local color to the sport Saturday. Two wen successful, while the third suffered a setback that broke a string of, victories. Columbia fumbled Its way to defeat with Hamilton, losing Its llrst game since football was revived at the Mornlngsldo Heights Institution. The defeat does not elgnlfy that Columbia has a weak team, but on the contrary It Is assured the Blue and White, onco started, will again give a good account of Itself.

Fordham helped to uphold the supremacy of the East by starting Its home season with a defeat of Weetern Maryland. Five Interactional battles wero staged Saturday, and Ilka Fordham. the rest of the Invaded East easily withstood the attack. Fordham haa a football team which any college should be proud of. There la power there In every department.

New York University got started on a victorious year by lashing Rensselaer under a 22 to 0 defeat. Howard Cun 11 has developed Into a back of great magnitude and used properly ho should help place the Violet on a high plane In tho football world. Coach Eustls also seems to have developed a spirit at N. Y. U.

that has been lacking In previous years. Vert Early Upsetaj. Outside of the Harvard failure all of the prominent Course 0 000002010 2 1 American Nationals 0110000010 0-3 4 2 llatlerlea llorfllng snd Hirlen; Hewsn and Packman NORWOODS CLOSE TO TITLE. CINCINNATI. Ohio.

Oct The Nor. woods of this cltv defraled lha Itall Llshts of Tolrdo hero tn-day. 1 tn 1. In the third sramn of the eerie, for ths championship I of Class AA of tho National Amateur hall Fedirallon.

Ech haj won a game before. To. nay's win a ten Inning contest, the Norwoods scoring the winning run aftrr two wrre nut White allowed the vlsllcra only four hits. The score: It. It.

Norwood 000000100 t2 10 Tolrdo nnonoooto 01 4 2 Ilattrrles Whits and Munson; Collamom and Mclilvern. At Ishstn Msld Tt. It. E. Ishatn P.

10020011 it 10 1 All 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 a 2. tlaiterles Hauer anl I'oetsch; Taylor and I.eary. At Pester Tark n. II. Cyprrs, 2 3 1 1 1 0 0 1 13 1 Am Nationals 00030010 0 11 4 Ilatterles Zsppe and Trs: Vnnderllp, Znchman.

Ileitman and rogerty. At North Tarrvtown. N. Y. Tt H.

E. Oakland II II. C. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 111 Cithnlli) 1 0 1 0 2 2 3 22 22 2 Hatterlea Deegan, Martin and Morreiio, Teearr nnd Hogan and Mahrr. At Yonkers.

N. Y. ft. If. E.

Chester. 00102200 3 a 12 2 Hov 10131000 06 2 Ilatterles Seaman nnd Hanft; Iwla and Hlmpson. At Totirnviise. n. 1.

it. 11, k. 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 1 I a 3 .4 rv a a 1 It.ll 1 ilatterles Atistrr and Lowell! rtobedee. Mitchell nd Dell. Philadelphia ..1 4 a 0 0 1 1 II 2 Springfield 1 0 0 0 0 6 2 0 1-1 11 3 Ilaiterles-Ilradford and Fuller! Barbrrlch and pebwarm.

At lledford Park R. E. Fordham Lyceum, I 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 7 a llrdfnrd 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 I1 5 I lt-iitrrlee- -Mirtln and I'allldlnn; Deck and Emmerlck. At Talerson R. H.

E. All 1 a 0 0 0 a 0 a 11 4 2 t-'Ilk Snx 10I0OOOO 4 I 2 batteries Ploh and Ticketing; Rettlg and Lewis riayine their f.rst gsme in the potltan League nt As. tor Field esterlny the White It', tram defeated the As: ir foothill lub by gimls to At half lime the teams were ewn each side having ta.I.rd twice Kln-'ev with three aoals, led the orlng for V. hit. nose OTJrl-n nnd Tr.v'f contributed one apiece.

James anJ I'ltzpat-rlck scored for th losing trim. shanahTnshows speed. 11(11) AND OI'N. Illegal r.etttng and utlon of iters, to tst.ibilah suit water hatcheries. fr fishing pier and a salt wuter uquirlum.

Djr present membership Is nearly l.soo nn a- ompllsh mure, and to tt quicker with a lirrer memberehlo Join us and lop to. I work Dues. It p-r year, no THIP Willi. MdllT, OCT. 11th.

a.sesstnentsi nn eitras need leu Lratlng llnttrrr 11 Midnight. Vare tl.SO.' Thursdiys. World HulUlng. mom 504. H.O IHO CATCH Wed.

Night's Trip, Oct. lit. r.V.i'VN' S. S. "CAPE COD" "eric Uasehall fiames.

The Chambers Arro a have next ftunday and Columbus Dav open for home clubs. Address Nrlson Chambers, 474 West Kith etrsst, or telephone 473 Audubon. Wins Hn Ynnt It 11 11 I'mitt sii-ratrh In llrnnklyn A. A. Meet.

Walter Phannltan, the licet Hrooklyn Athletic ARsoclatlon ninrer, easily out-distanced a field of iiuictei-u runners In winning the si) yard hnndlr.ip run front scratch at hla club's final monthly cantos 1 held at tho I'arkway Driving Club. Hrooklyn. yesterday. Making; Kmul from the start, mnved In'n I the lead turning Into tho homestretch and won by twelve yards. lli got second place ln tho running broad Jump.

The summaries; 75 Yard Dnsh. Handicap Won by Hhaplro (2 yards), Crrttdt IT. nrdsi. second; J. Lorenx 1 ard), third.

Time. 8 i-5 seronds. 220 Var.l Run. Handicap Won bv Hhaplro (4 ards); Lorent (C yards), second; It. Christ (12 yards), third.

Time, 1 24 25 sreonds. S(0 Yard Itun. Handicap Won by W. (scratch) i H. Hcrzig 150 y.irdsi.

seciiiiil, 1.. Gruss nrds), lhlr.1. Time. 2 us 4-4, I'll 1 1 In Pound fshot, llandlrnp- Won by ti Sllvli (, with (.1 feet inches- II. rinkelsteln (12 foeti wnli .1 tual of 42 feet sis inches.

ee.ind. lUlnnne (7 feet) with 42 fret in inches. Running Itrnud Jutiip. Iliindlcip Wan M. Ralnone (3 Inches), with nctuni jump of 1 feet; Ruber IS Inchest, with 4 feet in liuhes, second.

itennett (3 Inches), with I fi 11 Inches, third, Running llroad Jump, Hnndlcnp Won bv M. (3 feet), with actual Jump of 17 fret 2 Inches. Kh.iiuhiin (4 firti, with actual lump nf in feet 1 Inch. 1" end. C.

Hcimnt fret), with uctual of 15 ftot 10 Inihrs. third, Two Hun, Handicap Wnn bv S. HeriU nrds)i It. ritnlth IJ25 )nris), secomii r. uuuay t.uu arusi, inini.

iiaii, 10 23 3-5. Two Mile nicyele Itnre, llandlrnp Won by A. Srhakman (1 minute); II. Mchetien (scratch), second; J. Mlllbuurr (25 seconds), third.

Time, 6:11. 1 ami sen ami What WO do. it will mean brfer tlshlnr If you becoma a member Do It now. BROOKS LAKE. New York, (vtober Hon an DM Trapper Cuts High Cost.

I ee svne speak ai the hlrh co-t of tlvlnc. jo.ti huiks. conn and sk.mli are 1r, nti ir health si.tne u( tne inarh. i If you want Instructions for rooking these drop tne .1 line, Tha Ut di striiig's always hanging outa foM to all Arlington, October 7 (iiind Name Helpful. It.ilt itrf'htn'ts.

ite.tA'irsnl on liosr.1. Kur Staterooms tel. llroad Litenalon 3. fhtm Steamboat a RSfSTiSS? Str. TAURUS' II.

II. A 1.4... properly a'n Ta.4: on boJ'i LEAVES 0 A. M. liVLRY DAT.

Hud. on Dock. New llu rare II 00. tiring WOtme. llAI'MANN IlltOM 22'2 2d Ave.

Phone .7 7 Hurleni. train from llnr.em River statloo (113d ft,) allows Unit- to make boat. The t'nlted Anglers League has recognised nffli'lilly the of tlie name of dogfish to grnynah he seems bet- ter In looks an 1 taste, New York. October PLENTY RE A must. I'OKCIES, FI.raXB, Man.

ilrady he seems bet. IVIUll Dally, A except Mai A gont name helps UUI1I1A 1 C.ipt. It. HANSEN. WAI.I.-r.Yi:.

Dally, A. BtltnU. l. riipi S. Capt, JAKE MAItriN.

r.r.llf HTR IT I1A dally. A. M. Sundayj' UIUALWA 7 A M.rlla. MiNnv.

a' i-ti- NIMBUS A dale rtatiirday eicspt Mon-r'unday t.undy's Dock. From Wrese Ilnck. She- n.he. 1 11. 1 CAM M.

FIIKII WltlKiE A Lolls) HARM. teams came through without much trouble. Syracuse proved an old sport and don't bet a peso on It had another record smashing aggre- anything that runs on four feet, or two gallon by Inviting Ohio University to I either Syracuse and then spilling the Huckeyes all over the field. Pennsylvania, under Pear Tom Will you kind the i mnA hnisbed nuery he owt A beta that the tllanls beat rtoh Folwcll, sot started and tirusiien a rtoubu Th ants aside without greai earruon rrsiiMui wnn nrst same aim in sscnn.i was and Marshall, fenn mate nas aiiuuirr soorlng machine, aa Its R0 to 7 victory over Ilucknell should attest, Lehigh, Colgate and Brown also appear to have a good attacklnt eleven, a each rolled up a large score. In the West Notre Dame and Michigan, the two elevens which furnish Intersections! Interest each season, came through without much trouble.

Notre trough without trouble. Notre Dame especially showed a running attack that may mean trouble for the Army later nn. WATCH MANNIKINS PLAY. Washington Tark. nronklvn.

will prob- hly ba taxed to capacity thla afternoon Questions By TOM MAC NULTY Dear Tern I occasionally read the col. piny to win a trtek and then melds MO. limn of yours In Tho Pun-Tress nnd note On winning another trick he melds 40 that you answer qusstlons. I am a ate- trumpe with the other quean. Are nographer hero, and havo going with these melda correct? II.

II. II. a fellow for tha last five years, but he Is ufrald he haa not enough money tn, sup. I 'j19 Kln or tn first marriage was port a hom*o. What I waa going to ask played away A must have four fresh ynu Is thlsi I ae in the papr sometimes cards to meld the ISO, ace.

ten. king and 1,. i tir.o iii tlie imnk Jca. i nis new King is not available for ens: siv furlongs- IM iiirrl.on. Ill Ho vou think if I invested this on Mime marriage to tho second nueen.

because Lighter (Imp III. Helili guild hnrso I would make aome money? pns Jtiet been used 111 a meld it wonm mesn mi me. niphpe vallio In Class A. yuu for an answer through jour column. Ll'LU FROM (ILKNS FALLS Come right down and pee Thomas TnL'! wo deuces MacNulty.

Lulu! Hut on the unre. Lulu, take a little fatherly advice from i deuces, beta he ran put an ace on the nuiin nno can it inrera ir Da haa a three in inn nana. LAUREL ENTRIES. First Race felling i two.year.olde; As Urine rrs Surf lisblng. I went down by the ncin nt New Jerser the other day and looko.i me arounn ami just where the ocean hits Ihe sand and in.ikrs bubb'i and round pebbles I a (ellow In a "ne piece rubber pints und hues with a luiiB tlshrr rth and with a one two.

three ilince step, ltd throws a nice of bait fur. far. out In tho ocean. Thrn I ask a man with a smile on his II I 1 1 g.nn aa ii nnd chew tobacco in his mouth what II I III i Hi, f.llow is and ho sna. "I don't like to 111 Ji III III A.

M. Illl Jl III Mil te', you, but cans nirai-ii server llshrr He fishes evrrv day for two years for striped basket fish Thrn the man with the chaw tobacco and the lauith in his face puts his linger to his bend and makes circles. 8n then when I a. him what th" fisher fellow cMi-hes he n. "He only catches his breath and now and then a cold, but ha don't cirr, he his ths pjre nlr of the green 1 o.

can, the blua sky anl the white moon," Thrn siv I "How long ho stand so I with his Usher's stick without counting his one. two, three dancing atep when ho Ami tne man wnn jr MONEY neSuSV. he citch no striped bisk-; for two Hlnneu ar I all' "ini.ll WHY lli'll 1 ll, Hammer's Dink, Hirrp.liead Hay. WHITBY i a every day. CAPT.JOEII.S'VvS:.n cUys.

Fare Ine. bait. 11,11. Capt. Jos Hayna.

maid-1 mod ulr without his flshrr stick and why Moon lint nlr)v, uround a Ittle soma of th time 7 UI. nun with tlie tobacco and lure, ti, ii in. i iii-- i ia.i(.ii-i: f.tre nn sas, ins some ortlanc, 111. Ilrlght ritur. Hi.

Oaeen llnslnl, 1 but when I went horn, and 100, furgon li. limp in, io neau wif, iirnrleita she says, "All fouls 114. cnerry ll pe. ui: loiiv. ii, y-, )rl a while" EFFORT fl.

I. L. tn. ih. sec.

nd same on the world's aarlsa, Ten thousand fana gathered at th former home nf tho Federal Leasua an Haturday nnd declared that watching Jackson's manikins reproduce th game In drtnll was almost as good aa seeing the two teama In action. Not a slngl action nf ths gsjns was missed. Every play ann art tiur. Ing the 'itmi wna reproducid by the 111 ItlKina wnn nimrii cu.i;iii nil me gil Ml on account of rain with th, sroro lied Who wlnaf W. HBNNBSSUV.

Draw bet. Dear Tom riease 1st tw know whethar Ty Cobb's batting average has aa low as .250 thla season. WM LOCKHART It may have been ln the first few days of the season, but never after that. 1 Dear Tom (1) Kindly let me know with what major lrasuo teama Hal Omen played prior to his contract with Cincinnati? i.i Is 7.i-ll Wliesl of th a half breed Indian! (I, J. (1) New York and Chicago Americans and nuffalo Federals.

(2) No. He Is an American of b'cotch-Irleh extraction. It is wrong. He would have to play account of rider not hnUng three ncen to make the deuces Into treys stecplechs or ntiniie races, and ns onlv nno cinl mv Third Rufo- lug. two-irnr-o r.lllss.

l. i. nt and a half furmnga ther Ma.hre.. a time tills is Impossible. Double builds no, Clorln.

110 stalwart Van, ion. Hasty r.innot be raised i Cora, 10, kv. lo.j, ninrv no, ire, si, 'Ja. lireat Dolly, 10J. I Hrylla, 104 Spinster, 100, Tnotils, Us, Dear Tom A card ta turner) f.e.

aa Ka.thryn Cray. lit. Kilts, 105, Teetotal, "iiftiiin "i po.rr same, tho player to whom It falls refuse it? J. W. C.

No. It Is only when two or moro cards are faced In the same deal that tho hands must be dealt over again. Colorado, ill, Chelsea, ill. Right. Ill V-uitor.

did sho mean tn or tha tleher el. Serond Race fillet linn-, selling four- I l'l)ilHtl u4 )ear-olds nnd upward, iw-o miles New uaven. lbs. Tiny rirraK, isiti ttllnuster. 111); Otto Fioto, 117, Lady Hut-trrlly.

13. Oie TI ive poun.TS Slinwanrn ciillllirn on not nnwnir won ni TVK9. NKillT, Plaoeer "pertlag Club, eaaay srua vs. aaTskb. Dear Tom A beta that bataball gamea wer plsyad In Clsveland, Ohio, on Pundaya In th year HIS.

Tli ammrs have reference to wr In th American l.engu. A. DU HOIS. ball (American League stuneri) was plnyed In Cleveland In IU13, Dear Tom Playing plnnrhle, two bans. A msMs the 4 trumps, lit uses lb ktog Fourth Pace Hand! for all arest six furlongs Top o' th Morning.

132. Yiinkeo Notions, lit; Snuecler, III, Hanson. 110. 'Water l.adv llfi, I'si km, 104 Fprlnl, 105s Plaudlto, D3i Iterrllldon tit; i Surprising H. tlnst, 111).

The it'iurr- dr. 10. Xylon 104: Hick Ray, 105. Mirphv. lot Doer Tom If a player who haa Fifth Rare Purse three.

venr-old, anl for thrs. cards In poker i'Pardi one. mile ui Co'to. lot. game happsne to aea one of theVn, can he Venetln.

1" ovedale 101 Steer I f. refuse It 7 HROrjKLYVs'. I Ampere II. i liiiin, Mi.rk lot: llenevnlent (Imp) l(, Or itorlum, 101; Tlng-o I.lni. 101.

Idct a llroilirr. U7 Slath Use Selling. Hiree.) ear-nlda snd upward, on mil and twenty yards lllih Tide, 112; Royal Interest, ill; Juliet. 105; Not unless It Is exposed so that any other player at the table could see 1L Dear Tom To decide a small bet, what Is tha maid of ICO and tha round trip? H. WKINHKRO.

If diamonds are not trumps and the six melds are made In proper order theoo i eleven cords can be scored for 170, Tide. 112; Royal interest, in; juiiei, ioj Song of Valley, 107. Ilandfull. 104: Am- J.J hros. 101.

hsploii Wrnther. LATONIA ENTRIES. First Rnc Selling', two. year-olds; maidens, colts and gelllngs. IHe und a all fir onrst sUbert Rhudes.

107 eit. and Xlllts. 107. Alert. 0.

until. 10J, Class in" James 105. lien iLimpann. 10. Wo dthortt, 112.

Kenward, 11, Pluto, 112. Vaital'ond, 112. Markland. 112. Apple Jack, "second Race-Selling; three.

year. olds ant upward, miles and mares; all fur Ioiirs: (lw.ina. 101, llrlen Thompson. IPC, sitiisy Joe las; Toy Mls, 106, Running Oueen 1 0 1) Hlanihlta, 103; si'arrl Orms, 109 'Ladv Mexican, 111; Lady Jane dray, i 111: Martrr, 11 Third Hare- Selllnr; two 5 ear-olds; flv I anl ha'f furlongs: Lassie, l'V -Ncttls Wa ittt, 101. Sonelg.

101, limes 103 101. Honey shuck. Ilii Hil'kncr I.UIe. 10(1 rersetis, 107 Rlittni 10, Deo I Love, 10: 1411 HI 0 11. 105.

rmutlt Race -Iinerness Club Handicap, ir olds in, I unwnrd: ons utile and an iighlh. Jehu W. ICIeln. 100, Typhoon, 101 tliumpy. McAdo.i, 107 Fifth Raci three.j oar.

olds and upwuid, furlnniis. Mllrsionr. lot; Dr. Carmen. 107: Ainumn, ins; run are.

jii. ,1, 11. t.uun, lis. IXtlt llnce I ur ru limn, nne mile und isventy jards: IOo, dallv Mon A Frl I A M. (ledum l)c k.

StleNti.hee A TI.u Capts Freddie Wrege nr.d hl Ruckner. II rnTfrnm's Pork Wrsrk I. sad. ALlln I cept Frl. GEORG H.

l'av" "irrny's. Wrsrk I.sal, SLUiiuiLm. Tur, Tliurs. 4:47 train. 'Sunday, Fr 11 CO.

MURRAY. rniTUM III Tues and Tbura. laayaa LlinillVli Sl I A. ic ku 1 1 ii in ii ii A rtn JJ VELOCITY sl SDAV 7iSn A. M.

Sheepshea.i Hay, A dalb etc. Mini. A 1'ri, Hi, I Stephens. ATLANTIC Haas, llass, I.ts. White's Dock.

Wrn.k Lead, Wed. Sat, and Sun Far 11 tt. ELMAR SUNDAY, H30 A. M. Iratea Osbotn's Dock, nheeg head, dally.

1AM (ICS RAU. UJCAICICH liortrl's I.a'itichM. Inclndln nCrlnriari gul.1i- snd stirliup. It ws- asys, nosaays, tor iviur in wt isnaraiss mm ROSE R. II.

I.vs Silver Wave Dor, Fresport li daiiy iv ept Mon and FrL i JO Sun, Fare, nc t.alt, 11.25, leaies Cnnarsls, 1 M. dlly 7 M. "iinilny, I Mi ai limits Tom Kindly 1st me hsv, Ty Cobb's ral'try. Hy doing so you 111 greatly uiMISn it HeRnrrnh, I would like to oblige you. I Around, II.

John, but I would like souio ot meoelt I sApnrmTntlce allowance olalmio it mk m'l I'linici. a ui. sJorilih 07 I 10.. NUtel. 10., -blur -Trappa! in, ye.

SU. 6f! MB Vuii IAM Jlerrr A I ts) il'J. UttViiins three.vear.o'ds' List. H' IOC. Old Chner A.

i a 1 W.iIim. Ill: Margaret N. Ill, I'alr Orlen. Xvm 1 lit ll no nnck Shstnihatii 11 pub lean. Ill, Sam McMeekln.

lot; ivep 111. i-lntf llrown. Ill Lady ort UliiBtori. anaiillUCn Ray, Mon A 51, Sight 107. Vermont IIH Hennrl.

37. 'Sue- III. 1 101. R.iy Light. Sv.

iiih :r.r-.,t CCiPIRFnN 11 A dallv. I A aaadaf. 110 'SUIWU I Helen. IO') DrVHd.10.1 1 ''I't MlirTi 101 Itlde Sho'lir ioi itfl 'lijtUrl Dunn's I-ck 51... p.h.aJ Uag ins.

SI ill Nearer. 107. sllns Her 101 Ilirkl, IUI. Iline 10,, I Her Lonilliaui 'Apprentice allowaaoe lONO IIF.Alll Ivs. Dunne's Dork, Shrejis, kaad Bay, I A.

M. dally. Capt, Michaels..

New York Herald from New York, New York (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.