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- Pawhuska Journal-Capitali
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ftr 3 rt fc 1 1 THE DAILY JOURNAL CAPITAL PAWHUSKA OKLArlOMA if I vs Hot yard looking after 16c GALLON ARMERS RANCHERS Price of $548 Delivered in Pawhuska Easy Terms 2 Pair party with her daughter Mrs rank the Wynona community was a busi Howard erris Reduced! 88 and Phone 9 WE DELIVER HAVE A IRE YOU Ter PHONE 502 ARE ROBBED PHONE 164 GRANULATED SOAP (with bar toilet soap) both 22t LEADER IN SALES 8 PHONE 138 Journal Capital Phone 112 414 Leahy Penneq's Anniversari MPA NY jW A I JUST MSE WANT ADS Prevue Sat 11 Bing Crcsbv and Dorothy Lamour in Road to State I ul fashioned Ion beauties' 11 CAMPBELL Mrs Edward Marked Down Every one in our stock repriced Wed with This is the famous A Tractor model that you have been hearing about Now see it working A Bell jr of Tulsa spent nesday evening here visiting Pawhuska friends ROW RANCHER eatured! Combed Cotton ANKLETS Smart prints for every bud get minded woman in to busi snerirts deed rs uonnersner iff of Osage county to Ella leming jots 1 and 2 in 36 20 10 Warranty deed lorence' Pryor to Ralph SEU of the SE'4 of section 20 the SW of the SWU of section 21 the NW of the NW of section 28 and the NEU of the NEU of section 29 all in township 27 range 7 Quit claim deed Mart Bowhan to A Moore lots 1 to 11 inclusive in block 13 in Bowring Warranty deed Annie Sitterly Liberty et vir to Leon A iles et ux lots 25 26 and 27 in block 13 in Tailchief addition to the 1 city of airfax National asking bilLy Mcadden tennis Bowles' hnd Ben Chazin were in Tul sa Thursday afternoon for the Yan kees Tulsa baseball game 1 CARTER DENOYA was a business visitor in Pawhuska Thursday Anniversary Bargain! SILK Picnic Hams Bacon £Tr's MR AND MRS A ABBOTT were among Pawhuskans were in Tulsa Thursday to see the Tulsa Yankees baseball game MIS'S DORIS MAKER AND Mrs! Martha Pryor of Hominy were Pawhuska riday attending ness with local merchants MRS WALTON Thursday in Tulsa taking a Mr Thursday evening having been called of the serious illness of the moth er Mrs EAPayne Low Priced! 80 Square PERCALES Auctioneer Sells Home But at Wrong Address QUINCY Mass While Mr and Mrs Norman Goodwin were away from home on a brief vacation an auctioneer of the Home Owners Loan corporation put up a red flag on the piazza and within a half hour soldtheir house and two car garage to the highest bidder The Goodwins have owned their home for 16 years The auctioneer had made a mistake in the address and should have auctioned the house next door Prevue Sat 11 Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour in Road to State MR AND MRS HARRY BLAKE were here Thursday from their ranch in north part of the county 'MISS CAROLYN HALE Edmund Kennedy and Erie Parsons spent Wednesday evening in Tulsa Hamilton rfrom George Spring COATS ROSE ROGERS'AND ITERdaughter Miss lo Rogers are ex pected to arrive early next week to spend about a' week here transacting business and visiting with the for daughter Mrs Ceal Barrett LAWRENCE MOONEY Okla lioma City was in Pawhuska riday on business with local' insurance ag' ents I McClintock giver in the home of Mrs Henry Greis CALLED by illness and Mrs Payne left for Muskogee MarnagV Licenses Carrol Townsend and Erma Cropp both of Alva Doss Gourley and rances Camer on both of Alva In District Court Willie Bailey vs irst Bahk "'iri Pawhuska' Suit money judgment' Divorce Suit iled Emma Maker ton jr Divorces Granted Lipscomb from Theo': Lips SPENT piano lesson under the direction John Thompson 0 1 Thiamin Chloride Vitamin Makes plants grow big Drug olor feet sav stuped fops ith elastic Mzes i to JO'i GROUP Sizes 33 to 38 Marked down to Rural Schools estival Set or April 12 (Continued from Page 1) i Labadie Bobby Chew Marvin Stev ens Tom Lewis and Duncan Games: Tennis: Questa Mounts Katherine Sharp Nadine Cinnamon Jean Robson Earlene Bowersock and Hines Croquet: Dor othy Jean 'Skaggs Shirley Arring Betty Nell Culver Jack Mc Bobby Bowman and Tommy jBoulanger Sweethearts: Wallace Arrington Ross Patsy Lee Shepherd (Lesta Labadie Delora Chew Dean Holford Earl' Reavis and Tom Lan um AUTUMN Mother Nature Corine Lohman Autumn Patty Jean Wilson Reader Vera Whisler Dance rof the Autumn Leaves Gladys Taylor Walsie Switzner Esther elkins Betty Tehee Iniogean' Poore Louise Mathetvs Music Choir I Juanita Jones Delores Younce Betty Pansy Wilson Max ine Hicks Louise Wolfe Ted Gal Tian reddie Rountree Mary Mil ler Allie ortune Imogene raricher Harold Hemphill Laura Wilson Edna Mae York Billy Agee Betty Stottlemyer Mildred Stamper Betty Arnette Birdie Helen Whitecotton JAlean Bohannon Darrel Morrow Dean Cantrell Oleeta Delp LouisePeterman Edna Bell' Jones ore Long Genevieve Rountree Gen Cupps Lola Mae Collins Nao mi Bradshaw James Jackson Goins Jerry Marr Or ville Hendryx June Thompson Hix Betty McGuireGeorgia Robinson Margaret Par ker Irene Morgan Peggy Rhodes Billy Gene Marcum Jack Smith Tableau Characters: Camp scene: Sick soldier Paul Harris Soldier on guard Don Doctor Davis Scientists with microscope: Wayne Rayls Lawrence Angle Explorer: Ray McGee 'Savages: Rex McGee Wayne Dur han Statesman: Jerry Joe Morris General: Eddie Anderson Musician Singers: Edna tyilma Dean Crenshaw Christian! Chain Delores Rudisell with open book: Davis 'Successful women: (not selected) Mother: (not selected) Children: Jimmy Nail Nancy Nall Grandmother Knitting: Mildred Peterman Nurse: Dirmilee Hemphill Teacher: Imogene rancher "Elma Gallion Dancer: Mildred Righter WINTER Mother Nature Eleanor Desplain Winter' Alyne Colthrop Reader Eleanor Desplain Snowflake Dance Mary Lou Thomas Martha Ida Rickman Myrtle Ann Alexander Wima Jean Scott Bo nita Barger' Jean Talley Betty 'Ann Ridgel Benia Rowlins Music Choir Marion Stanley Sand strom Andrew Martin Raymond Strayer Bobby Roberts Jim Rush I Rolland Moyer Winston Grimes Henry Hays You drive the leader when you drive a Chevrolet for the leader in pep power and pick and the leader in style stamina andsales! It holds first place in first place tn hill first place in all round performance with all round among all cars in its price range why Chevrolet is first in sales why more people buy Chevrolets than buy any other make of car and why your Chevrolet dealer strongly recom mends that you eye try jt buy it today! 1 8 OUT THE LAST 9 YEARS i TEA 24c 93c One Ice Tea Glass' REE with each lb of Tea 1st in Value just as 1st in Sales! (wzr Jr GROUP 2 Sizes 36 to 39 Our best quality Marked Down to NONE BETTER I VE WE PURE RAW JERSEY MILK rom Accredited Jersey Cows Doubly Protected Germ Proof Bottles Pasteurized Jersey Milk or Those Who Prefer It LIVEWELL JERSEY DAIRY Phone 525" HG MACARONI Or SPAGHETTI with Big League 1 KITE REE 2 pkgs for 7 MR AND MRS IL WEYL JR ami Miss Virginia Wevl were in Skiatook and Tulsa Thursday evc WASHING Chassis washed on hydraulic lift yourcar is as clean underneath as it is on top! GREASING With Guaranteed Diamond Greases Mr and Mrj Crane of near Elgin Kan 'were here Thursday looking after business matters visiting with friends ning Mrs Weyl and Miss Weyl visited in Skiatook with Mr and Mrs Weyl sr while Weyl jr attended a Texaco meeting in Tulsa Prevue Sat 11 Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour in Road to State RICKARD A RANCHER ofnear oraker was a business visitor in Pawhuska riday MRS SALLIE HOOPER AND her granddaughter Mrs rank Du cotey will 'go to Dhllas Texas Sun to meet the sister Mrs William Oxford and two sons of Houston Texas Mrs Oxford and her sons will spend a week here vis iting with relatives and friends Wash grease this week only $1 Benson Station iztn Lynn MRS Ea RE turned home Wednesday after spend ing several clays in Dallas Texas at tending a executive Bank convention in Dallas Texas She stopped jn Tulsa Wednesday eve ning to attend a' mother daghter (J PAGE THREE Bobby Talbut James Martin La Willis Gay mar Woods Junior Bradsnaw Austin Ray Naomi Jean Ball Billy Sutton' Beulah Lyons John Brashear Jacquelin Sutton Bev erly Joe Lyons Bonnie Brashear Delores Ball Bobby Sutton Eliz abeth Walker Mary Blanton Ma rion Summey Joan Lay Lyda Summey Mary Bowen Bob Gar rison Pat Summey Dorothy Sam ple Ted Garrison Gene Garrison Pat Summey Dorothy Sample Ted Garrison Gene Garrison Ann Blanton Dorothy Johnston Patri cia James Maxine Revard Jimmy James Delores ree Lois Ellen Chambers Betty Joe Chambers Mary Lou Turner Anna Cole Violet Chambers Pauline Cham bers Billy Chambers Tunney Dee Sumpter Jack Malas ke Lee McArthur Nancy Long Clifton Mammon Lois McAr thur 'John Hubbell Clara Malas ke Clara Malaske Mary Eongley Tableau Characters: Old Age ac cepts the peace of winter days: Man Leon Trask Woman Alyne Colthorp Barefoot boy and girl: Sue White horn Dick 'Weaver Young and wife: Neoma Jean Cross Robert Cole Baby: Cherry Ann Edwards Bride: Juanita May Grandchildren: Bobby Elam Bet ty Van Cleave Leon Garner Joan Bolton Pupils of Okesa school who will sing at the "festival: LuDon Gar 1 i V'l'T ov RIDAY APRIL" 5 1940 5 MASTER 85 business coupe Other model li8htly hgh All models I Ci Mich Transportation based on ran I rates stale and local taxes (if any) optional equip ment and Prices subject to change with out notice Pawhuska Implement Co Main arrell Charlie Trough 0 Prevue Sat 11 Bing Crosbv and Dorothy Lamour in Road to State Lubricating Motor uel BIVINS STATION 230 East Main CARL WEVER returned home today from Tulsa where he spent Thursday attending to business Read the Classified AJs ness visitor in Pawhuska Thursday MR AND MRS RAY ADAMS left today for Borger Texas The former will resume his work with i the Phillips Petroleum company i after beinc off for the nast siv MRS DEAN LEWIS AND MRS weeks recovering from a broken lorence Pryor spent attending to business Wylie of a business visitor Thursday EMALE WEAKNESS ThouBftndtY ralm irritable nerves distress and due to female functional causes by taking Pinkham's Compound Twit! Lydia coX I resh Side Meat Doneless Nice Size Phone tieatl Lettuce ei9c Cherry Rhubarb GELATIN DESSERT 3 pkg for 14c RESH RADISHES 2 bunches 5c 8 Vegetable Juice JKXu Lee Brana No LJj Can I Quart Bottle bach ruit Cocktail 15c Clorox I OrtCCnn Beech Nut resh and Ter KJ wdOSXCC Brand Tasteful Lb BEECH NUT TOMATO JUICE 3 tall cans 23c Berflia comb Lucile Hamilton Virginia Watkins from James rancis Watkins Real Estate Transfers Warranty deed Texie Walworth Smith to Pearl Richardson lot 13 in block Donelson addition rto the city of airfax Warranty deed HOLC to Joe Lewis et ux lots 18 to 28 inclu sive in Tallchief addition to the city airfax nlVTC nv WVNO A SShor duiu uavAO ''r xxmv in Pawhuska riday business matters 'MRS CLARENCE and soti Bohbv and all of Tulsa spent Thurs day here visiting in the home oif MrsMinnie Perrill and her daughters Miss anniebelle and Miss Emma Perrill City Briefs 'Edited (eorgia erguson inariebi Mimic WHITE KID PUMPS 298 One of uir handsomest st let this loo price today in Tulsa arm and visiting 0 Prevue Sat 11 Bing Barnsdall was Crcsby and Dorothy Lamour in Pawhuska Road to State Joan Bryant Mary Rose Tinker 4rett DeWitt White Willard Gay 11 11 Hr 1" iv: 11 4 rtO TTT1 1 Y1 A tcuutc uve XMJXAV Harriet Ann Davis Jo Ann Boynton Elaine Garrett Helen Hunkapillar Billie Jean Tayrien Mary Ellen White Nettie Lou Warehime Irene Warehime Carolyn Joyce Rowton Anna Bowers Adah Bowers Max ine Taylor Ethel Taylor Helen Alexander Raymond Huff Clayton oley Violet Whitchurch Lorraine Hoopingarner Hoopingarner Warren 'Hacker DeLoris Hacker Phyllis Harvey Olga oster Geral dine Swift Betty Swift Billie Alex ander Donald Alexander Mary Yates Alcie May Benway Vera Mac Clintock Wanda MacClintock Wan da Varnell Jack Varnell Don Var nell JR Pointer Shirley Sihith Robert Smith Bobbie Jean Rickman Ida Joy Best Laid Plans' of Boys Also Go Astray It Seems ROCKVILLE Conn The best laid plans of mice men and little boys who obey thfeir teacher ofttimes go astray 1 ive youngsters who thought their teacher too stern tried to by letting the air out of the tires on her auto They Were caught and turn ed over to their parents who reported disposition of the cases RED SALMON Short Cuts tall cans 19c Pork Beans Polar Bear large 2 size 9c Shoulder i Per "Lb resh Lb I Pork Roast 14c Side Meat X5 Sliced Per Lb We cordially invite you to attend our free plowing demonstra tion in the field Saturday April 6th and also inspect and drive the new ALLIS CHALMERS MODEL TRACTORS With pick up plow that we have on display Buq It I irst Again!" NEWPORT BkClS CHEVROLET Young Spring SUITS ti': Courthouse News who sews1 I 1 A And I ZiL $888 i VwaH A "A I 5 'A I I 1 1 i ringles1 chif 4 igh (Mist ilk i ft I 'rm stretchie lop io ioe a I cv sinngbhidi' 7 7 jf' j' 4 i 1 ie oeasuu 0 I at i rbert Edwards Bfejjl I wk JB cT 1 qlff WJ' r7W Jr "7 zj Jf 1 HMBT ISSi! EiE 4 7 VMRWi i SSSS" JL 1 I I ct lf er J3J bn 11 i YO1 38 1 0 I I I I.
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About Pawhuska Journal-Capital Archive
- Pages Available:
- 94,481
- Years Available:
- 1919-1976