30 Ml To Tsp Nyquil (2025)

1. Dosage Chart | Whole Child Pediatrics

  • (Reason: regular spoons are not reliable.) Keep in mind 1 level teaspoon equals 5 ml and that ½ teaspoon equals 2.5 ml. ADULT DOSE. 50 mg.

  • Dr. Natalie in Yorkville, Illinois practices Integrative Medicine that includes traditional Western medicine or prefer a more integrative approach, we work with you to empower you to take control of your health.

2. Vicks NyQuil Cold & Flu Nighttime Relief Cherry Flavor Liquid 8 Fl Oz

  • Do not exceed 4 doses per 24 hours. Adults and children 12 years and over: 30 mL (2 TBSP) every 6 hours. Children 4 to under 12 years: Ask a doctor. Children ...

  • Take only as directed--see Overdose warning. Use dose cup or tablespoon (TBSP). Do not exceed 4 doses per 24 hours. Adults and children 12 years and over: 30 mL (2 TBSP) every 6 hours. Children 4 to under 12 years: Ask a doctor. Children under 4 years: Do not use. When using other DayQuil or NyQuil products, carefully read each label to ensure correct dosing. Other Information: Each 30 mL dose cup contains: potassium 5 mg, sodium 38 mg. Store at room temperature.


  • 5 mL = 1 teaspoon (tsp). 24-29 lbs. 160 mg. 1 tsp or 2 chewable or 1 JS. 30-35 ... 30 mg (1 tsp) twice daily. 12 years and up. 60 mg (2 tsp or 1 tablet).

4. 4 ways to avoid mistakes with liquid medicines - Harvard Health

  • Jun 27, 2017 · As most medication syringes are in mL, it's also a good idea to be familiar with the mL in teaspoons, tablespoons, and ounces: 1 teaspoon = 5 mL ...

  • Giving the proper dosage of a liquid medication can be confusing, and parents can accidentally give an incorrect dose if they are tired or distracted. These tips will help you give the right dose e...

5. i lost the measuring cup from my nyquil what else can i use to ...

  • Jan 14, 2018 · A dose is 30 ml or about 2 tablespoons. If you don't have measuring spoons, take about 6 regular spoonfuls or 2 soup spoonfuls.

  • i lost the measuring cup from my nyquil what else can i use to measure :im v sick is it okay to just take a swig. taking medications give me anxietyaltho i guess i can’t be anxious if im unconscious 

6. Vicks NyQuil FAQ

  • Missing: tsp | Show results with:tsp

  • Read more for frequently asked questions about NyQuil and how to use it.

7. VICKS NYQUIL SEVERE COLD AND FLU- acetaminophen ... - DailyMed

  • Active Ingredients (in each 30 mL) Acetaminophen 650 mg - Dextromethorphan HBr 20 mg - Doxylamine succinate 12.5 mg - Phenylephrine HCl 10 mg - Purpose - Pain ...

  • 37000-812-24, 37000-812-36

8. Vicks Nyquil Cold & Flu Nighttime Relief Liquid 236mL (Cherry)

  • Adults and Children 12 yrs and over: Use tablespoon (tbsp) or dose cup. 2 tbsp (30 ml) at bedtime. If your cold keeps you confined to bed or at home, you ...

  • Important Message Every medication or natural health product may cause serious adverse reactions or interactions with other medications. Read the label, warnings and inserts provided by the manufacturer and consult your pharmacist when purchasing such medications or natural health products. Always keep medications and

30 Ml To Tsp Nyquil (2025)


How much is 30mL of NyQuil? ›

Adults and children 12 years and older: The typical dose is 30 mL (2 tablespoons) by mouth every 6 hours. Don't take more than 120 mL (8 tablespoons) in a 24-hour period unless your provider specifically told you to do so.

How many capfuls is 30 mL of NyQuil? ›

The typical adult dosage of NyQuil Cold & Flu is 2 capsules or 30 mL by mouth every 6 hours as needed.

How to measure NyQuil without measuring cup? ›

How to measure liquid medicine without a measuring cup?
  1. Use a lid from a bottle as a teaspoon measure. If recipe calls for a tablespoon, use one milk bottle lid and one Coke lid. ...
  2. Fill your cup to what you THINK is half way full. ...
  3. Use medicine syringes.
Aug 26, 2024

How many capfuls of DayQuil is 30 mL? ›

DayQuil (regular strength) contains the following three active ingredients per recommended adult dose of 30 milliliter (mL) or two gel caps: Acetaminophen 650 milligrams (mg) (pain reliever/fever reducer) Dextromethorphan 20 mg (cough suppressant)

How many spoons is 30 mL? ›

2 tablespoon

How much is 30 mL of liquid? ›

30 milliliters is equal to 1/8 cup or 1 oz.

How to measure 30 mL without a cup? ›

1 teaspoon corresponds to 5 ml, and 1 tablespoon amounts to 15 ml. You can then calculate based on this measurement how much you should add each ingredient. If it says 1/2 teaspoon, you need to add 2 to 3 ml of ingredients. If it says 2 tablespoons, you will need to add 30 ml.

Is it OK to take 30mL of NyQuil? ›

Children aged 6 to 11 years: 15mL every 6 hours if needed. Teenagers aged 12 years or older: 30mL every 6 hours if needed. Adults: 30 mL every 6 hours if needed.

How many tablespoons of NyQuil? ›

adults & children 12 yrs & over30 mL (2 TBSP) every 6 hrs
children 6 to under 12 yrs15 mL (1 TBSP) every 6 hrs
children 4 to under 6 yrsask a doctor
children under 4 yrsdo not use

What can I measure if I don't have a measuring cup? ›

Measure with tablespoons or teaspoons instead. 16 tablespoons equal 1 cup, and 48 teaspoons equal 1 cup. Alternatively, use a kitchen scale. 1 cup of liquid equals 240 grams on a scale.

Can I use a spoon to measure medicine? ›

Don't use a spoon.

Measuring spoons, the kind used for cooking and baking, are better — but unless there is an exact fill line on them, it's easy to measure too much or too little. What you should use is a medication syringe that is widely available in pharmacies (often for free with your medication, if you ask).

How does a tablespoon look like? ›

A tablespoon (tbsp., Tbsp., Tb., or T.) is a large spoon. In many English-speaking regions, the term now refers to a large spoon used for serving; however, in some regions, it is the largest type of spoon used for eating. left-to-right: Serving spoon.

What happens if you take too much NyQuil? ›

Nyquil Cold and Flu is a combination medication containing acetaminophen, dextromethorphan, and doxylamine. Overdose side effects can include drowsiness, blurred vision, upset stomach, nervousness, or more serious side effects such as confusion, hallucinations, trouble urinating, and irregular heartbeat.

Can you take 30mL of Dayquil? ›

DayQuil High Blood Pressure comes as a liquid. Every 15 mL dose contains acetaminophen 325 mg and dextromethorphan 10 mg. This formulation shouldn't raise your blood pressure, unlike many other cold medications. Adults can take 30 mL of liquid by mouth every 4 hours as needed.

Can I give my 9 year old NyQuil? ›

Key takeaways: NyQuil is a popular brand of over-the-counter (OTC) cough and cold products. Not all NyQuil products are safe for children under 12 years old. The recommended NyQuil dosage for kids ages 6 to 11 years old is 15 mL by mouth every 4 or 6 hours, depending on which product you choose.

How much is 30mL of liquid medicine? ›

As most medication syringes are in mL, it's also a good idea to be familiar with the mL in teaspoons, tablespoons, and ounces: 1 teaspoon = 5 mL. 1 tablespoon = 15 mL. 1 ounce = 30 mL.

Do I take 15 mL or 30 mL of NyQuil? ›

adults & children 12 yrs & over30 mL every 4 hrs
children 6 to under 12 yrs15 mL every 4 hrs
children 4 to under 6 yrsask a doctor
children under 4 yrsdo not use

How long does 30 mg of NyQuil last? ›

Nyquil typically provides relief between 4 and 6 hours. Follow the manufacturer's or your healthcare providers' dosage instructions to avoid adverse effects or harm. Taking too much of this medicine or too often may have adverse and dangerous effects.

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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